Feature packing and roadmap

We had a heated product discussion the other day about our roadmap and feature prioritization at Licenseware. Choosing what’s best for the business and our customers without neglecting innovation is never easy. Building a startup product is a game of trade-offs. Much like climbing a big mountain, the choices we make shape the entire journey. What we put in our backpack, such as features or new products, can be a determining factor in reaching the top or running out of supplies and, indeed, failing.

You can never have everything you want. Deciding what to pack, understanding that adding more can slow down the climb while packing too lightly may leave us with insufficient offerings, is a constant battle.

This delicate balance resonates deeply with us as founders. Pursuing what’s meaningful, embracing uncertainty, and recognizing the vital nature of these trade-offs have defined our climb.

Every decision is a different step, a potential new route to our goal of commoditizing IT asset management tooling. Missteps can cost dearly, but the excitement of the climb is in facing these challenges, learning from them, and growing.

As Ciprian often says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, band together.” Together, we navigate this thrilling and rewarding journey.

If you’re on a similar path or interested in software asset management, ITAM, or startups, I’d love to connect and share insights. 💙

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Alex Cojocaru

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