Oracle Middleware licensing overview

As we delve into the realm of Middleware Licensing, we must remember that this topic, while complex, is made simpler by understanding the fundamental concepts already covered in our previous articles. Similar to Database Licensing, Middleware Licensing utilizes core licensing metrics but without the limitations imposed by different versions of Middleware components. The most commonly…

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Do you need to pay for Oracle Java?

Now, let’s be clear – Java has never been completely free. Some licensing was free before 2019, but most companies should have purchased a license long ago. Oracle wasn’t really enforcing it, so some companies got away without buying one. If you’re a company using Java for commercial purposes, it’s time to review your licensing…

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What is second hand licensing?

Second hand items are prolific throughout the world, from e-bay bicycles for your 2023 health kick to second hand laptops or graphics cards due to the chip shortage, people and businesses see value in items that were once used, however it’s often forgotten that non-physical digital assets continue to hold their value which can often…

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Microsoft Volume Licensing guide

If you’re looking to license Microsoft products for your organization, it’s important to understand the different Microsoft Volume Licensing agreements available. Each agreement offers a unique set of benefits, and choosing the right one for your business can help you save money and maximize the value of your investment in Microsoft technology. Here’s a quick…

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Microsoft 2023 price update

Microsoft has announced plans to implement “price harmonization” in 2023, which involves bringing local currency pricing in line with US dollar pricing to provide “more consistent pricing” for customers. This move will likely also prevent organizations from purchasing in regions other than their primary location (something that used to be a cost-saving tactic in some…

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Licensing Q&A: How do you license SQL Server 2022 in containers?

SQL Server can be used on Linux and Docker platforms, which means you can run it in containers using Docker. Containers are a way to run multiple isolated apps on a single system. They’re generally lighter and faster to start/stop than virtual machines, which provide more isolation and require more resources. For licensing, a container…

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The true cost of an Oracle license

When it comes to enterprise software, there’s no company more controversial than Oracle. The database giant is known for its aggressive sales tactics and complicated licensing schemes, which can end up costing organizations a fortune. Here’s a closer look at why Oracle’s licensing is so complicated and hard to understand. Complexity drives management cost up…

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Microsoft SQL Server 2022 licensing guide

🔎 Are you looking to get a handle on how Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is licensed through Microsoft Volume Licensing programs? 📜 This guide is here to help. Just keep in mind that it’s not meant to replace or supersede any legal documentation covering SQL Server 2022 use rights. You can find specific license terms…

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How inflation affects software prices

You’re not alone if you’re feeling the pinch at the gas pump or grocery store. Inflation is currently at a record high, with the consumer price index in the US hitting 9.2% and Europe seeing rates nearing 10%. This is due to various factors, including post-COVID spending, supply chain issues, and other economic factors (like…

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To all ISVs considering Oracle Database for your hosted solution

So you’re an ISV looking for the perfect database for your hosted solution. You might think Oracle Database is the optimal solution for your particular use case since it’s got all the features you need, like reliability, scalability, performance, and security. Plus, it’s got this cool multi-tenant feature that lets one software app serve multiple…

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How will ITAM tools evolve?

It isn’t easy to make specific predictions about the future of ITAM tools, as many factors, such as technological advancements, market trends, and consumer preferences, influence it. However, a few trends are likely to shape the future of ITAM tools. The evolution of ITAM tools is likely to be influenced by several factors, including: Technological…

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Licensing Q&A: What to consider when deploying and licensing Microsoft SQL Server in a container environment?

Understanding how containers work is the first step to successfully deploying and licensing Microsoft SQL Server in a container environment. Containers package applications and their dependencies into isolated, self-contained units that can be easily deployed and managed. Using containers ensures that your application will always run the same way regardless of the environment it is…

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SAM Spotlight: Microsoft SQL Server

Short history Microsoft SQL Server is a database management system (DBMS) that Microsoft first released in 1989. It was initially called “SQL Server 1.0” and was designed to run on top of the OS/2 operating system. In 1992, Microsoft released SQL Server 4.2 for Windows NT, the first version of SQL Server to run on…

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Licensing Q&A: What is the most cost-effective setup for Oracle DB and SQL Server in Azure?

Licensing is essential to managing any software, and proper license management is critical for ensuring compliance and avoiding costly mistakes. This blog will explore some common questions about license management and provide guidance on managing your licenses effectively. Whether you’re new to license management or have been managing licenses for a while, this blog will…

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How to use ITAM tools to uncover actionable insights

ITAM, or Information Technology Asset Management, refers to the practice of managing and optimizing the use of an organization’s technology assets. This can include hardware, software, licenses, and contracts. ITAM tools are designed to help organizations track and manage these assets, and can provide valuable insights into the utilization and efficiency of an organization’s technology…

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The benefits of implementing a FinOps strategy

The cloud has become the new normal for businesses of all sizes. It provides agility, scalability, and flexibility that were once only available to large enterprises. However, with this new way of doing business comes new challenges — namely, how to manage cloud resources and costs efficiently. This is where FinOps comes in. FinOps (short…

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Five Ways to Reduce Your Cloud Costs

If you’re not careful, cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control. But there are ways to keep your spending in check. Here are five tips: 1. Understand what you’re paying for  Before you can start saving, you need to know where your money is going. Take a close look at your cloud bill and…

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